The Starbucks Experiment

Monday, January 30, 2006

Ding Dong Merrily on High

Just a little post to tell the world that everything is going well with me. my cousin Tessa and her dreamy Chilean boyfriend Simon stayed with me last week, and Laura spent the weekend, all of which was lovely. i'm doing some editing stuff at the Gallery, and will shortly start working on an exhibit to go up in June, all of which is a nice change from constant research. i still like the people i work with at Starbucks (life's miracles never cease to amaze . . .) And i'm going to New York this weekend, to reconnect with my past and future home, not to mention current friends. to top it all off, i'm reading Phineas Finn by Anthony Trollop, one of his Palliser novels, which features one of my favorite literary characters of all time. if Phin was a real person i would marry him in a second, and judging from the four (count them, four!) women he manages to fall in love with over the course of two novels, i can see that i'm just his type. Tschuss, ciao, cheerio, bisoux, and other international terms of cheerful good-bye.


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